Search is not something static and constant. Rather, the way people search is constantly evolving based on trends, current events and new technology. According to Google Zeitgeist, Chatroulette was the fastest rising query in 2010. 
These terms look very different than the fastest rising searches from 2009
- News and social alerts that I have set up to crawl the web and automatically notify me about specific trends and keywords
- Google Trends to find the latest hot topics and hot searches. Google details interest in the topics/searches by date and “hotness” level.
It is impossible to determine what the 2011 Zeitgeist will look like. Will a serious news story surpass terms such as Michael Jackson and Chatroulette, or will Snookie do something so outrageous that she makes the list? Only time will tell, but one thing for sure is that we will be paying close attention and reacting to the trends. It should be an interesting and exciting year! Contact us for a free web consultation, and to start monitoring your web trends and keywords.