Facebook Page Updates

A recent survey by The American Customer Satisfaction Index found that Facebook was in the bottom 5% of user satisfaction amongst private sector companies. Part of the dissatisfaction stems from the constant tweaks and updates that Facebook implements to all elements of their site. On March 1, Facebook will be implementing significant change to Facebook […]

Reputation Matters

Managing your personal and professional reputation is not just an added benefit, but rather something that has become necessary.   Before even interacting with a company or meeting a new person, it is common to check out what the virtual world says.  If the results are negative, it is likely you will lose an opportunity before […]

The Year of Chatroulette – Understanding Search Trends

Search is not something static and constant.  Rather, the way people search is constantly evolving based on trends, current events and new technology. According to Google Zeitgeist, Chatroulette was the fastest rising query in 2010.                               These terms look very different […]

Aruba Case Study

Aruba.com is the Official Aruba Government and Tourism portal and a high volume website.  Emboodo just released a case study about the technology and performance based SEO methods that we utilize for the site. Download the Aruba Case Study to learn more.

Top 5 Facebook Strategies

Facebook can be an excellent tool to build your brand and drive targeted traffic to your website.  Creating a fanpage take about 5 minutes.  However, creating a successful page takes a bit longer. Facebook is somewhat limited in the options available to customize your page outside of the standard template – especially if you don’t […]

Link Building – A Guide to Becoming Popular

Popularity contests don’t end in high school. Rather, the importance of being popular stays with us through adulthood. Search engines understand the importance of being popular, and deem those sites more valuable. Link building is an important method to build popularity (and thereby more traffic) for your site. However, in the same way that having […]

10 Ways to Make SEO work for in 2010

SEO and SMO tactics to bring traffic and results to your website. 2010 is already here and bringing new opportunities and advancements. These 10 easy to follow SEO tips will ensure you stay on top of changes and boost your online performance. SEO and SMO tactics to bring traffic and results to your website. 2010 […]

Managing Duplicate Content Issues

You may have noticed that the subject of duplicate content has been a popular subject of debate in recent times. I aim to explain simply what duplicate content is, why it is best avoided and how to prevent your website being penalized by search engines. (By penalized I would like to point out I do […]

Social Bookmarking – How Do They Affect SEO

Social Bookmarking is the latest craze in the world of Social Media. You will probably have heard the names of some of the largest sites – Digg, Reddit, Stumbleupon, and Delicious. The popularity of these Bookmarking Social sites is big and on the increase, which is why anyone interested in SEO needs to understand how […]